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Updated: Apr 25, 2023


Even shade of orange/fawn top colour to carry well down hair shaft to a bluish/white under colour. Ears, belly, under tail/tail to be blue, cheeks and flanks to be shaded/topped with blue tips. Eyes hazel or brown. Too dark top colour and light tails a fault.

Same as for sooty fawn, but chocolate instead of black shadings. Eyes brown

A fawn coloured rabbit with lilac (light warm pinkish grey) points on the nose, flanks, tail and ears.


Light grey top colour to carry well down shaft to white under colour. Shadings as sooty fawn. Eyes hazel. Faults: too dark top colour, light tail.

Same as Iron grey but blue.

Same as Iron grey but chocolate.


Rich chestnut top colour with black ticking over an intermediate orange band with dark slate under colour. Ears laced black. Eye circles, belly and under tail white with slate blue under colour. Pale top colour a fault. Barred front feet a minor fault, heavy black top, greyness on haunches, pale top colour a fault. Eye colour brown.

Opal - Top colour pale shade of blue with a fawn band between this and a slate blue undercolour. Ears laced blue. Eye circles underside of tail and belly to be white with slate undercolour.

Cinnamon – A rich cinnamon colour with a brown ticking over an intermediate orange band and lilac undercolour. Eye circles underside of tail and belly to be white with a lilac undercolour.

Lynx – Orange - shot - silver. Intermediate colour to be bright orange clearly defined on white undercolour. Tips of fur silver, belly, eye circles, inside ears and underside of jowl white. Chest to match flanks. Serious faults, bluish tinge on top, blue undercolour.

Bright orange saddle shading down the flanks. Colour to go well down the fur with a white under colour. Chest to match flanks. Eye circles, inside of ears, underside of jowl and tail, and belly to be white. Faults - Ticking, barred front feet and brownish tinge, blue under colour. Eye colour brown or hazel. See bottom left picture is a "dirty" orange.

Warm fawn saddle shading down the flanks. Colour to go well down the fur with 5 white under colour. Chest to match flanks. Eye circles, inside of ears, underside of jowl and tail and belly to be white. Faults - White hairs, blue sheen on coat, bluish or brownish tinge on points, bluish under colour, very heavily barred feet, black/blue guard hairs and/or blue under colour. Eye colour brown.


Chinchilla - To resemble the normal chinchilla the undercolour to be dark slate blue at base, intermediate portion pearl (slate to be definitely wider than pearl) with black narrow line edging, pearling to be clearly defined, top grey, brightly ticked with black hairs, either even or wavy ticking admissible, neck fur lighter in colour than body but strictly confined to nape; flanks and chest ticked with uniform shade of pearl slightly lighter than body; eye circles light grey - pearl, well defined, ears laced with black.

Squirrel - A sparkling blend of blue and white with blue ticking over an intermediate pearly white band with a light slate undercolour. Ears laced blue. Eye circles underside of tail and belly to be white with light slate undercolour.

*Choc chin missing

*Lilac chin missing


A deep solid black carried well down hair shaft with slate under colour. Eyes dark hazel or brown.

-A self black with dilute(blueish) eyes is a self Chinchilla, often having white hairs randomly throughout the coat.

Faults- white hairs or white toe nails.

The dilute color family of black. Entire coat is a dark blue extending well down the hair shaft. Undercolor is a slate blue. Brown or blue-gray eyes. Nails are dark or light horn.

Entire coat is a rich, chocolaty brown extending well down the hair shaft. Color similar to bittersweet chocolate. Undercolor is a dove-gray or light slate. Brown eyes showing ruby-red pupil in low-light. Nails are dark or light horn.

The dilute color family of chocolate. Entire coat is a dove-gray with a pinkish tint extending well down the hair shaft. Undercolor is a light dove-gray. Blue-gray eyes. Nails light horn.

Solid white coat color over entire body. Bright blue eyes. Nails pink.

Pure white coat color over entire body, right down to the skin. Bright blood red eyes. Nails white or flesh-colored.


Sable (Siamese) Medium - To be a very rich sepia on ears, face, back and outside of legs and upper side of tail, the saddle colour shading off to a considerable paler colour on flanks and belly, the dark face colour to shade off from eyes to jowl to blend with the chest and flanks, all blending to be gradual, avoiding any blotches or streaks and consisting of a soft and varied diffusion of sepia shadings. The dark colour on back to extend from head to tail. The chest to be of the same colour as flanks and the whole fur to be absolutely free from white hairs. The undercolour to match the surface colour as closely as possible, following the varied shadings throughout.

Sable (Siamese) Light - As medium, but colour to be ‘Rich Sepia’.

Sable (Siamese) Dark - As medium, but colour to be 'Very Rich Dark Sepia’.

NB The main difference in the three colours is the width of saddle in tone and intensity of Sepia colour.

Smoke Pearl (Siamese) - The saddle to extend from nape to tail to be smoke in colour, shading to pearl grey beige on flanks, chest and belly and to be totally free from white throughout. Head ears, feet and upper side of tail to match saddle as near as possible. All shading to be gradual avoiding blotches or streaks, general undercolour to match surface colour as closely as possible following the varied shadings throughout.

Not showable

Not showable



Otter - Colour black, blue, chocolate or lilac, uniform colour to cover back and sides. The underbody or belly to be creamy white also under the chin and tail. A tan border to divide the white and colour and encircle nostril and under chin. A mixture of body colour and tan covers feet. Tan ticking to the chest, flanks and rump, extended ticking to be an added beauty not a fault. Tan eye circle and nape of neck. The ears to be as body colour bordered on outside with tan which covers inside of ears. Fault: a distinct lack of tan from proper parts.


Fox- Body colour to be black, blue, chocolate or lilac and to go down the fur as far as possible with undercolour of appropriate self-colour. Chest, flanks and feet to be well ticked with white guard hairs. Eye circles, inside of ears, underside of jowl and tail, belly and triangle to be white.

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